Got website? I will get you online, make scheduling easier and get you paid!
Technology is supposed to make life easier! Let me simplify it for you.Schedule 15 minutes with me
Harmony for your online brand
I want
to help you
be more successful!
M – Mentoring
O – Observing
R – Reading
Why work with me? …because you value learning. And, you want to do more with your online brand. I actively mentor and seek mentoring; I am constantly observing other businesses and successful people; I read as often as I can. I can and will help you be more successful leveraging online branding. Let’s get started!
Harmony = a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts
Is your online presence, calendar & payment collection harmonious?
Make it easier for your clients to find you online, schedule appointments, pay you & get updates.
“As of October 2014: 64% of American adults own a smartphone.” “As of May 2013, 63% of adult cell owners use their phones to go online. 34% of cell internet users go online mostly using their phones, and not using some other device such as a desktop or laptop computer.” Mobile Technology Fact Sheet, PewResearchCenter
“The new [search algorithm] formula will give a boost in Google’s “organic” search results to sites that are designed to look good on smartphones, while penalizing those that don’t.” Websites Prep for Google’s ‘Mobilegeddon,’ The Wall Street Journal
“…about one in three visitors to a website come from mobile devices.” 7 stats that show Google’s ‘mobile-friendly’ label matters,
“…mobile search results are about half of what Google handles…” Danny Sullivan, the founder of Search Engine Land, in Google Adds ‘Mobile Friendliness’ to Its Search Criteria,
“…mobile should be the first place your business looks to reach its consumers.” 3 Things to Make You Smarter About Your Mobile Strategy in 2015,
“If you’re giving users a poor mobile experience today, then you’ve already been missing out on revenue and market share, and hurting your reputation…” Fili Wiese, ex-Googler, in Google Mobile Friendly Algorithm Gives Small Businesses The Advantage,
Schedule 15 minutes with me
I will get you a mobile-ready (“responsive”) website! Tech Harmony
What is "beMORu Tech Harmony?" One-sentence answer: Tech harmony is when your technology, centered around your website, works together to help your calendar, your payments, your social media, and your brand message (communication) work well together. But, before...
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I’m here to help simplify technology with upbeat and consistent interactions. In other words, I am energetic, positive and enthusiastic, and I plan on having a reoccurring and ongoing working relationship with you and your website. Why do I want to harmonize your technology? I work for bigger causes and others…I enjoy serving others. How do I serve others? I am good at taking something complex and simplifying it. So, my experience working with technology and involved in business marketing messages for years will help your online presence. You shouldn’t sweat the small stuff that has to be done for online branding to work for you…let me sweat it!
I live in Albuquerque, NM. I design WordPress websites. I am a Google Apps for Work admin. I connect tools to websites like Calendly for easy scheduling, PayPal or Square for payments and invoicing, Emma or MailChimp for email lists, and others. Sign me up as your technology partner, and I will commit to investing in you and your online brand monthly.
-Russ Loidolt