What is “beMORu Tech Harmony?

One-sentence answer:  Tech harmony is when your technology, centered around your website, works together to help your calendar, your payments, your social media, and your brand message (communication) work well together.

But, before continuing to answer the question for you, you should first think about your presence online.  Think about how you communicate with your clients, customers, potential buyers, and the general public.  I hope you know that just having a phone number listed in the phone book is not enough anymore!  Wikipedia can help you learn about ‘the yellow pages’ if you are too young to remember this anachronism.  Branding online involves a bit more than just giving out your name and phone number 🙂

Social media probably comes to mind first when thinking about online branding, but your social media posts are ‘owned’ by somebody else!  So, the starting place is your website.  Your website is like real estate…you are the owner.  The hub of your online brand/presence is your website.  If it is not, place your focus there, first.  Get a website that is simple and responsive.  Then, start building!

The ‘building’ on and around your website is your social media, blogging, scheduling, receiving payments, and more!

1) Responsive website

2) One purpose you want visitors to do for your site’s focus, like email sign-ups or buy from your online store or schedule an appointment

3) Scheduling made easy for clients

4) Social media updates

5) Brand messaging, like blog posts or youtube videos or email newsletters